Your future is the Marine Academy in Shchecin
The Shchecin Maritime Academy in Poland is a state university that highly rated in the ranking of maritime Academies in Europe.
LEARN MORE — Shchecin Marine Academy
The Shchecin Maritime Academy in Poland is a state university that highly rated in the ranking of maritime Academies in Europe.
LEARN MORE — Shchecin Marine Academy
Терехова Наталья, юрист “ТерАсса”
The company “TerAssa” is a consulting and law company that deals with European education and provides assistance to Ukrainian citizens in entering universities in Poland, without leaving Ukraine.
We are official representatives of the Shchecin Maritime Academy in Ukraine and help everyone to enter this university.
How can we help you?
Working with us, you will get professional assistance in choosing the right training option for you, in choosing a specialty and faculty, in paperwork, in learning Polish and in entering the Shchecin Maritime Academy
More about our services. Service cost.
Learn more about studying at the Shchecin Marine Academy
And also about the possibility of free education.
I was very inspired by the prospects of living and studying in the country of the European Union, and also inspired by the fact that after graduation I can get a diploma that is quoted by many shipowners and that can provide me with work. I understand that it will not be easy, due to studying in Polish. However, as it turned out this language was nor difficult . I think I will get it all.
Zierov Vladislav,
Distance learning is an opportunity to learn and earn money at the same time.
By entering the Shchecin Maritime Academy for an extramural course of studying students can go and work only in 2 months.
In this case, the main criterion here is practice. More practice is better.
In the form of correspondence, the beginning of classes – February 1. The first 2 months is the theoretical part in the academy, and from April, students go to work.
The Shchecin Maritime Academy has its own personnel department, which cooperates with the shipowners of all the Baltic Sea countries and actively helps to find jobs as part-time students and their graduates.
In absentia, students have the opportunity to spend most of their time at sea, working on European courts with good conditions and earning 1,000 euros / month.
Very interesting is the possibility of admission to the magistracy, while having a diploma of bachelor of Ukrainian maritime university. By entering the magistracy for correspondence courses, after 2 months you can work;just work on a thesis project,t and in one and a half years get a master’s degree of the European sample.
The Shchecin Marine Academy has its own personnel department, which plays a key role in the life of students.
The Shchecin Maritime Academy promotes the allocation of all its students to paid practice.
Already after the first year, a full-time student has the opportunity to go on a summer practice trip.
In the first and second courses practice is short-term and unpaid, but in the third and fourth year students go to a full-fledged paid practice as a cadet. In this case, the salary is usually 500-800 euros / month.. During 3 summer months it’s real to earn 1500-2500 euros. And for 6 months – up to 5,000 euros. Thereby recoup the cost of training, accommodation and meals.
As a rule, if a student shows himself well, then the shipowner enters into an agreement with the cadet on further employment.
After graduation, having European-style diplomas in their hands along with Lloyd’s certificates, graduates of the Academy easily find employment with any shipowner, while having high salaries and fast career growth.
In order to enter the Shchecin Maritime Academy, you do not need to pass any entrance exams. There is also no age limit.
Delivery documents by applicants (In case of cooperation with us) occurs in Ukraine, without leaving the country.
Beginning of Academic year : in summer and in winter.
October 1 and March 1
Required documents:
— Application for admission to the university;
— Personal profile;
— Certificate of maturity;
— Six photographs measuring 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm and one in electronic form. Photos must be identical, relevant, expressive, representing a person without a headdress, without dark glasses, with a left half-profile.
— A statement written by the candidate himself that he is not prohibited from leaving the country (concerns candidates for “swimming” destinations).
— Copies (1st and 2nd side) of the identity card (and, in the absence, a copy of the pages of the passport with personal data);
— A statement from the doctor about the absence of contraindications for training in the chosen specialty;
— Proof of payment;
— Maritime health certificate.
With self-admission – the medical board, as a rule, is held at the Shchecin Maritime Academy during the submission of documents after paying an entrance fee of 85 zł. In the case of cooperation with us, travel to Poland is not mandatory, the certificate can be obtained in Ukraine.
Cost of education:
СThe cost of education for Ukrainians who do not have Polish roots: all “sea” specialties – 9000 zł / year (2100 euro / year), not “sea” specialties – 8000 zł / year (1900 euro / year.) Read more about the cost of education and faculties:
The cost of living: food 100 dollars / month., The hostel is 100 dollars / month.
Ukraine, city Odessa, str. french boulevard, 13
+38 093 369 06 08; +38 (095) 205 43 77.