Correspondence higher education

Correspondence Higher Education at the Shchecin Marine Academy in Poland

Excellent offer for applicants wishing to get a higher education in absentia. The Szczecin Maritime Academy offers the possibility of distance education with the possibility of working in Poland. The Academy promotes the employment of its students.

Those who want to get a higher education in Poland in absentia, submit a package of documents to the admissions office of the Academy before January 1 of the current year. The selection committee, having reviewed the documents, makes a decision on the admission of the applicant for study and sends an invitation to study. Accommodation in a dorm academy or a private apartment, the cost of living is the same, and is 400 zł per month. From February 1, for the students of external students an examination session. After passing the session, students receive a sailor / minder category and get a job at the ship, where they work until the next session. As an external student, a foreigner acquires the right to reside in Poland for the duration of his studying.

Shchecin Maritime Academy in Poland, announces the admission of Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian applicants for correspondence courses, with the provision of the possibility of living in Poland and obtaining a well-paid job during training. The work corresponds to the profile of the education.

Classes start on February 1. After two months of classes, for example, at the Faculty of Mechanics, specializing in mechanics, and passing tests and exams, the student correspondence can begin work on the vessel. Salary from 800 euros to 2,000 euros per month. You can live in Poland, the second stage of training and the exam session in January, a year later. During the work from the first examination session to the second, the student part-time manages to earn a decent start-up capital.

The Szczecin Maritime Academy has a large list of professions for which training is provided, but only students who are part-time students of the mechanical faculty have the opportunity to work in a chosen specialty while studying. Only young people who have reached the age of 18 and older are accepted for a correspondence higher education in the mechanical department

It is important to know Polish, but if you did not have the opportunity to study it earlier, our company will help you to learn Polish. . The cost of living in a dormitory or in a private apartment is 400 PLN per month. Education in the academy on the correspondence department is paid, but the fee is symbolic. Graduates of the Academy receive the status of a civilian fleet officer and a job placement in any European country.

Conditions for accepting foreigners

Candidates for higher education who are citizens of EU member states or who have a Pole Card, as well as citizens of other states who are not citizens of EU states may try to enter the Academy on the basis of certain provisions.

A foreigner who has gotten a diploma beyond the borders of Poland submits an original certificate of graduation or a notarized copy of this document, together with an annotation on the possibility of commencing higher education on the basis of this certificate. In the case of obtaining a certificate in a country with which Poland has not signed an agreement on the recognition of documents on education.

Documents issued in a foreign language must be submitted together with a translation into Polish made or certified by a sworn translator inscribed on the list of sworn translators managed by the Minister of Justice or Consul Rechipospolita, who works in the state where the certificate was issued.the candidate must nostritify the certificate to the Curatorium of Education.

Payment and organization of distance education

Distance education is paid. The amount of tuition fees is determined by the Resolution of the Rector of the Maritime Academy in Shchecin. The first part of the payment for the first year of study must be paid at least 50% of the annual amount.
There is a possibility of decomposition of the remaining amount into contributions. Payments are made to an individual account in the periods specified in the contract after acceptance to the university. An extramural session on the directions of navigation, mechanics and mechanical engineering, as well as mechatronics, takes place within 7-10 weeks, in the period between the end of January and the end of March. Absentee sessions of directions: geodesy and cartography, computer science, product management and engineering, logistics and transport, take place every two weeks. Dates of correspondence sessions will be indicated on the website in the tab. STUDENCI – PLANY ZAJĘĆ.

The condition for the completion of correspondence courses is the enrollment of marine practices:
•    On the specialty of maritime transport 12-month maritime practice in deck positions,
•    On the specialty operation of ship power plants 6-month practice in the engine room,
•    On the specialty electroautomatic 12-month practice in the engine room,
•    On the specialty operation of shipboard electric power installations 6-month practice.
The student of the correspondence department organizes these practices himself, under the supervision of the university.

Required documents for admission to study in absentia

Candidates for the training of I degree in the prescribed period shall be submitted to the deans of the faculties:
•    Application for admission to university,
•    Personal profile,
•    Certificate of maturity,
•    Six photographs measuring 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm and one electronically as an application during registration on the university website in the REKRUTACJA tab,
•    The statement that it is not prohibited for him to leave the country (concerns candidates for “swimming” destinations),
•    Confirmation of payment for the qualification process in the amount determined by the rector of the Maritime Academy in Shchecin – you can pay at the academic fund or at the expense of the Maritime Academy in Szczecin: Bank Pekao S.А. VII O / Szczecin 16124018641111000022055615,
•    Copies (1st and 2nd side) of identity card (and in case of absence – copies of passport pages with personal data), Candidates for the correspondence department in the directions: navigation, mechanics and mechanical engineering, as well as mechatronics – sea health certificate. In addition, candidates are registered through the university website – registration form in the tab – REKRUTACJA.

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